- Genome Aided Biodesign
- High-speed networks
- Mobile computing
- Real-time systems
- Fault-tolerant computing
- Parallel processing
- Distributed systems
Recent focus of Professor Ramanathan’s research group is in the area of genomic networks. In a collaborative project with researchers from Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Chemical and Biological Engineering, his group is working on developing computational tools for genome foundries and genome-aided biodesign. Ongoing research projects focus on developing computational algorithms for elucidating DNA-protein binding, for optimizing metabolic pathways, and for identifying gene regulatory networks.
The longer term focus of his research is on developing the architectures, the protocols, and the mechanisms needed to meet the diverse service requirements of emerging applications in cellular, wireless ad hoc, and wireline networks. One of the research thrusts involves developing communication support for sustaining end-to-end gigabit throughputs to mobile hosts in future Internet. In addition to developing the necessary theoretical algorithms, research also involves implementing and experimenting with these algorithms on national networking testbed called Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI).
In the past, Professor Ramanathan has also worked on the problem of real-time and non-real-time communication in distributed computing systems. He has also published extensively in the area of fault-tolerant computing on problems such as clock synchronization, checkpointing and rollback recovery, memory testing, and resource placement.
Funding for this research has come federal agencies like National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), Defense Advanced Project Research Agency (DARPA), United States Army Research Office, and industries like Cisco, AT&T, Telcordia Technologies, Johnson Controls, Westell Technologies, and Chrysler Motors Corporation.
For copies of journal and conference papers, see Publications.
- Elucidating Binding Specificities of Transcription Factors (NIH)
- Millimeter wave wireless sensing and communication (NSF)
- GENI experiments on mobile gigabit wireless access (NSF)
- Preserving the confidentiality of sensitive information in power system models (NSF)
- Training surgeons using virtual reality based environments
- Exploiting ultrafast networks in advanced manufacturing
- Genome foundries and genome-aided biodesign
- Experimenting with persistent live video streaming service